Family Life Today Broadcasts—July 10-11 (Click here to listen online, download an MP3 or to obtain a transcript.)
Family Life (FL) is an effective, powerful ministry providing programs and resources that minister to families in many creative ways, including the popular daily Family Life Today (FLT) radio broadcasts. This program is carried by top Christian Radio stations throughout the country.
Marsha and I are regular listeners. In fact, it was an FLT program some time ago that directly and dramatically changed our lives as I will explain in a future post.
Thankfully, FLT’s commitment to authentic sexual purity is not new.
A while back, I joined radio hosts Dennis Rainey, Bob Lepine and distinguished author and teacher, Dr. Heath Lambert, in the FLT Little Rock, Arkansas recording studio. That I was the amateur in the room became crystal clear to all when my new cell phone started screeching in the middle of this session and they had to take it from me.
Despite my lack of experience, a two day program emerged titled: “Overcoming Lust.” It was broadcast on July 10-11. God is in this. Though I much prefer writing to speaking, I believe that the message He has laid on my heart comes through clearly.
I was fortunate also to spend time with Heath Lambert. His book, Finally Free is a well-written, thoughtful call to overcoming sexual sin. To his credit, Heath was able to gain victory when he was much younger than me.
I am thrilled that FLT has placed the reality of overcoming lust front and center by broadcasting these two programs and titling them as they did. Sadly, the idea of victory—overcoming lust or even pornography—is seldom part of the message most Christians hear. The lack of clarity on this issue is holding believers back from pleasing God and dooming countless more to a life of enslavement to sin.
Thankfully, FLT’s commitment to authentic sexual purity is not new.
Way back around 2005, my wife Marsha heard an FLT broadcast featuring Fred Stoeker. She bought me his book and I began reading it—with skepticism. However, a particular statement in this book became a turning point in my life and was the catalyst for change that I desperately needed. You can hear about this in the first of the two broadcasts and I will explain it further in a future post.
It was a great honor and humbling (their first CPA guest, Dennis said) to share in these FLT broadcasts and to spend time with such dedicated and talented people. I know firsthand that God can use radio and the written word to fulfill his purpose because God used an FLT radio broadcast and a book they featured to turn my life around.
Family Life is a Campus Crusade Ministry, which means that the hundreds of people who work there raise their own support. Many have stepped away from or not pursued lucrative secular careers to join up in fulltime sacrificial ministry. Spiritual diligence and commitment to doing God’s work permeates their offices.
Will you join me in praying that God will use these broadcasts as a challenge for Christians and churches to overcome lust and to become light in a dark world? Will you also pray for and support the life-changing work of Family Life and the many fine people who labor there?