May 2013

IRS Scandal and Lust

IRS Scandal and Lust What do these two things have to do with each other? First, consider the scandal: As a CPA, I deal often with the IRS, taxpayers and exempt organizations. The revelations about current IRS malfeasance make me furious. Knowing that the IRS treats some citizens worse than others—solely because of their political      [...]

Crucify the Flesh

Crucify The Flesh As those who follow Christ, we are saved by the blood of Christ. It was His sacrifice that made it possible for us to become God’s children. However, we must not sit back and rest in this forgiveness. God intends for our sins to die as well.  This is a central theme for the [...]


Present yourself to obedience (Romans 6:16). When we present ourselves, we are giving ourselves up.  We are denying our own way and letting God have His way. In teaching about presenting our “members” Paul referenced directly the idea of “members” that Jesus spoke to in His seminal teaching about lust. Based on his study of [...]

Remembering Dallas Willard

Dallas Willard died Wednesday.  It is a great loss. Unlike any other writer, he worked tirelessly to correct the failure of the modern church in its duty to “provide effective practical guidance” on how to live as a follower of Christ. ….this was his whole life—encouraging, challenging and most of all demonstrating a close walk [...]

The Normal Christian

Watchman Nee was an influential teacher out of China and is famous for his book, The Normal Christian Life. The book is based on teaching he gave while visiting Europe in 1938-1939. Nee painted his description of “normal” by drawing from Romans 1-8, concluding that a “normal” Christian was one who follows Paul in saying [...]